Pardon My Sarong

Pardon My Sarong is a 1942 comedy film starring Abbott and Costello.

While on course to Hawaii, they encounter a hurricane and land on an uncharted island, which is also the home of Dr. Varnoff Lionel Atwill, a mysterious scientist. The island natives mistake Wellington as a legendary hero and inform him that he must marry Princess Luana Nan Wynn. Meanwhile, Varnoffs plan is to cause a volcano to erupt in order to trick the tribe into giving him their sacred jewel. The natives send Wellington and the jewel to the volcano to defeat the evil spirit of the volcano. Varnoff chases him to the volcano, where they are defeated by Wellington and Algy.Pardon My Sarong was filmed at Universal Studios from Marchthrough April 28, 1942. The films original draft, dated July 19, 1941, was titled Road to Montezuma. ........

Source: Wikipedia